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Before and After Photos
Before Feng Shui Consultation.
This client was very tired and frustrated at trying to “feel good” at home. The family was tired, there was no unity among them.
My client said that her husband was spending more and more time at his parents house where, he said, he felt more comfortable.
If you look at the main family room you have to ask yourself, where is the unity? It took a little muscle but we got it done in 1 consultation (2.5 hours) and wait until you see the results!
Hover for after
After Feng Shui meeting
After the client and I moved her furniture around she literally collapsed on the chair and took a big deep breath of relief. She said she felt so good and the space made her feel really relaxed. She said her house felt like a home for the first time! She was anxious for her husband to see the new changes too. It’s such a joy to see how Feng Shui Creations can impact lives and always for the higher good! Oh and yes her husband and the kids LOVED the new changes.
BEFORE PIC: It started with a vision for this new pet store owner in Alpine, CA
In 2008 this client was starting up a new Pet Store in town and needed some guidance from what color to paint the walls to where to set up the shelves for higher profitability and of course, making sure the clients felt good when they walked in. You want your customers to have a great shopping experience so they remember you and come back for more!
AFTER PIC: Natural Instincts, Alpine, CA
With proper planning and execution we created a floor plan that created success for this business. In fact, in 2015 the Pet Store owner called us for yet again for a new and bigger store opening with a new location because they had outgrown their space. Today, Natural Instincts in Alpine, CA carries on providing quality natural food products in Alpine, CA.
Before Feng Shui: Client says,
“It just doesn’t feel right!”
This client was thrown off with the walls in the space which is easy for anyone when things just don’t work right or feel right. Sometimes we can get stuck to what to do with furniture because a rug or a plant or wall space takes more control than you might realize.
After Feng Shui Meeting the client said,
“It feels so much better now”! .
I little bit and I mean a little bit of furniture moving can make a space change and say, Welcome, sit down and relax. Okay so the couch could of been more tidy when we took the pic. However, the client has the basic flow started and with some recommendations such as a coffee table here and lamp there, etc…this client is on her way to a room that feels much better and more importantly also more functional!
Before Feng Shui: Client express the following,
“My baby can’t sleep at night!”
When it comes to sleeping in any space we need to feel safe, protective and secure. Here is an example of Mom whose baby was waking up throughout the night. Can you tell why?
After Feng Shui meeting the next day my client shared that her baby slept all night!
The client and I took charge and move the space around and put the day bed in a location that felt much more protective and safe for the baby. It was the window that was affecting the baby’s slept and security. In fact, that evening after our consultation the little girl slept very peacefully and each night there after. What a relief!
Before Feng Shui:
Sometimes a space can be hard to relax in.
Who wants to sit here? In Feng Shui sitting face to face creates defensiveness and avoidance. Which means no one was sitting in this space yet the client wanted it to feel more inviting.
After Feng Shui:
In this case it was an easy fix!
With a little bit of moving the space now says, welcome and sit down please! Sure a rug on the floor would be nice, small table and a tall plant behind that chair would be nice too but that can be added in time but the client has the notes to start creating it into something even more than before. The bottom line is we got the energy moving forward and the client is enjoying more of her home a little bit more now too.
Before Feng Shui this client was exhausted.
Can you see why?
This room was blocked by the couches. Uninviting and kept you out of this space. Unfortunately, this creates a space you can’t sit down in and thus makes for a very exhausting home.
After Feng Shui meeting now this space is open and block removed!
Feels so good and talk about feeling more relaxed in your home. That’s what Feng Shui is all about. Now this client comes home with a view of the outdoors, light coming in and a couch that says sit down and relax! All in 1 Feng Shui Appointment.
So many times we set the TV to be in the dominate position but what about you and your guest? Don’t you want to feel relax and don’t you want your guest sit down too? This client put on large family gatherings in her family room and the challenge she shared was her guest would leave early and no one would sit down.
After Feng Shui this space said. Relax and come on in, sit down!
This client was thrilled when Thanksgiving came around. She said people easily slipped into her family room hanging around the kitchen too and her family, and friends now stayed for hours. This client also feels so much more relaxed and safe in her home too. What a difference a few small changes can make in one afternoon of a feng shui consultation.
The buffet table created this block into the space and making it difficult to feel invited into the area.
After Feng Shui Consultation this client…
Again, a little bit of taking the block away and moving things around really made this space feel so much more inviting, breathable and relaxing for this client. What a difference when you move a piece of furniture that was “blocking” your energy, movement, head space and creating stress in your life! Energy and objects are really that powerful.
The clutter started with the the hutch and the way the desk was position. In Feng Shui this type of desk is difficult to work at, pay bill at or start a new business from. At the end, it turned into location where “stuff” just kept stacking up just like the client felt was happening in her own life. Perception is reality.
After Feng Shui consultation this desk works and so can the client!
This client will be doing business at this desk now and with the power in place it will create success moving forward too. All because of a few small changes. Whew, what a relief!
This client was feeling down about her space because it didn’t feel homey, secure and there no one wanted to sit down. Her family disappeared in their rooms and less family time was spent together.
After Feng Shui consultation the family room took on a whole new look and vib!
We were able to jazz up this room in less than 45 minutes. Good news is we were able to do it with everything this client already had in her home! She is happier and her family is too!
Clutter can affect your health, wealth, attitude and happiness. Once it starts it just hard to control. Cristina has helped many of people even hoarders get beyond the things in your home and address what is happening to you and what you can do about it.
This homeowner’s energy improved once we were able to put her home back into a home and not a hoarding room. She was able to keep the things she LOVES and let go of the things that no longer were serving her a purpose. What a beautiful ending.

This client was starting a new business in Vista, CA. This particular store front was far from inviting and left little to entice customers to walk in. Check out the after Feng Shui Creations results on the next page!
Final results left an inviting entry to this brand new beautiful Wellness Center in Vista. People wanted to see and know more about this new establishments. Plants (the right selection), double doors and a sign about their services made walk-in’s happen and profits start. To this day this business is still thriving and has been since 2009 when it first opened.
This huge palm tree, besides being pokey and at the front door also hid the home from view and left little to curve appeal and light into the house.
The curve side improved, the door is visible, more light shines into the home. A small change with big rewards!
This young couple were new to being home owners and they sense their space was not working for them but they just couldn’t put their finger on it or why. Can you see what is missing?
Everything in the kitchen was found inside and outside the house. However, the end results speak for themselves and this family can now eat and enjoy their kitchen in a way it was always intended too.
Sometimes a little color can really warm up a house into a home! However, color plays a role on our mood so not any color but the right colors! Do you have ADD, do you sleep good, do you have a hard time settling down? These are the questions that should determine what you color wall space will feel like and let let’s not forget the elements of feng shui either (Wood, water, fire, earth and metal).
The colors are soothing, the pillars are more defined, the house feels cozier and so inviting. What more do you want for a home?
Before Feng shui consultation this client said on the phone she felt trapped and in a jail at home.
My goal when I walked into this house to was to figure out where this jail/trapped area was. Well once I found the book case I found the exactly what my client described without seeing it. It’s not always easy to see these things when you are living in your own space.
Wow, just by moving that big bookcase (trap/jail) it changed the entire home. The energy could move again from room to room and the bookcase which gave my client that trap feeling is gone. You can even see it in her face the relief she got from us moving this bookcase. Always happy to make a difference.
Before Feng Shui consultation this client needed an outdoor patio lift.
My client just needed a little assistance. Sometimes it’s easy to not see what’s there when it’s your own space. In 30 minutes we were able to change the look of the patio so now it says come on out, bring the guest and let’s have a little fun!
After Feng shui consultation – Wala!!
Nice, this place is much more inviting and says, sit down, relax and enjoy your outdoor patio! Making her home even bigger now.
Cold and lifeless my client called it. She said she could feel the cold but didn’t know how to fix it.
The wall was filled with my clients best wall decor found in the house and a few odds and ends here and there. It is much more inviting when you walk into the room now! Again, in one easy consultation plus we hit a few other rooms. Easy breezy fixes and all in a few hours.
~ Gallery ~
Before and After Photos
This client was very tired and frustrated at trying to “feel good” at home. The family was tired, there was no unity among them.
My client said that her husband was spending more and more time at his parents house where, he said, he felt more comfortable.
If you look at the main family room you have to ask yourself, where is the unity? It took a little muscle but we got it done in 1 consultation (2.5 hours) and wait until you see the results!
After Feng Shui meeting
After the client and I moved her furniture around she literally collapsed on the chair and took a big deep breath of relief. She said she felt so good and the space made her feel really relaxed. She said her house felt like a home for the first time! She was anxious for her husband to see the new changes too. It’s such a joy to see how Feng Shui Creations can impact lives and always for the higher good! Oh and yes her husband and the kids LOVED the new changes.
In 2008 this client was starting up a new Pet Store in town and needed some guidance from what color to paint the walls to where to set up the shelves for higher profitability and of course, making sure the clients felt good when they walked in. You want your customers to have a great shopping experience so they remember you and come back for more!
AFTER PIC: Natural Instincts, Alpine, CA
With proper planning and execution we created a floor plan that created success for this business. In fact, in 2015 the Pet Store owner called us for yet again for a new and bigger store opening with a new location because they had outgrown their space. Today, Natural Instincts in Alpine, CA carries on providing quality natural food products in Alpine, CA.
This client was thrown off with the walls in the space which is easy for anyone when things just don’t work right or feel right. Sometimes we can get stuck to what to do with furniture because a rug or a plant or wall space takes more control than you might realize.
After Feng Shui Meeting the client said, “It feels so much better now”! .
I little bit and I mean a little bit of furniture moving can make a space change and say, Welcome, sit down and relax. Okay so the couch could of been more tidy when we took the pic. However, the client has the basic flow started and with some recommendations such as a coffee table here and lamp there, etc…this client is on her way to a room that feels much better and more importantly also more functional!
When it comes to sleeping in any space we need to feel safe, protective and secure. Here is an example of Mom whose baby was waking up throughout the night. Can you tell why?
After Feng Shui meeting the next day my client shared that her baby slept all night!
The client and I took charge and move the space around and put the day bed in a location that felt much more protective and safe for the baby. It was the window that was affecting the baby’s slept and security. In fact, that evening after our consultation the little girl slept very peacefully and each night there after. What a relief!
Who wants to sit here? In Feng Shui sitting face to face creates defensiveness and avoidance. Which means no one was sitting in this space yet the client wanted it to feel more inviting.
After Feng Shui: In this case it was an easy fix!
With a little bit of moving the space now says, welcome and sit down please! Sure a rug on the floor would be nice, small table and a tall plant behind that chair would be nice too but that can be added in time but the client has the notes to start creating it into something even more than before. The bottom line is we got the energy moving forward and the client is enjoying more of her home a little bit more now too.
This room was blocked by the couches. Uninviting and kept you out of this space. Unfortunately, this creates a space you can’t sit down in and thus makes for a very exhausting home.
After Feng Shui meeting now this space is open and block removed!
Feels so good and talk about feeling more relaxed in your home. That’s what Feng Shui is all about. Now this client comes home with a view of the outdoors, light coming in and a couch that says sit down and relax! All in 1 Feng Shui Appointment.
So many times we set the TV to be in the dominate position but what about you and your guest? Don’t you want to feel relax and don’t you want your guest sit down too? This client put on large family gatherings in her family room and the challenge she shared was her guest would leave early and no one would sit down.
After Feng Shui this space said. Relax and come on in, sit down!
This client was thrilled when Thanksgiving came around. She said people easily slipped into her family room hanging around the kitchen too and her family, and friends now stayed for hours. This client also feels so much more relaxed and safe in her home too. What a difference a few small changes can make in one afternoon of a feng shui consultation.
The buffet table created this block into the space and making it difficult to feel invited into the area.
After Feng Shui Consultation this client…
Again, a little bit of taking the block away and moving things around really made this space feel so much more inviting, breathable and relaxing for this client. What a difference when you move a piece of furniture that was “blocking” your energy, movement, head space and creating stress in your life! Energy and objects are really that powerful.
The clutter started with the the hutch and the way the desk was position. In Feng Shui this type of desk is difficult to work at, pay bill at or start a new business from. At the end, it turned into location where “stuff” just kept stacking up just like the client felt was happening in her own life. Perception is reality.
After Feng Shui consultation this desk works and so can the client!
This client will be doing business at this desk now and with the power in place it will create success moving forward too. All because of a few small changes. Whew, what a relief!
This client was feeling down about her space because it didn’t feel homey, secure and there no one wanted to sit down. Her family disappeared in their rooms and less family time was spent together.
After Feng Shui consultation the family room took on a whole new look and vib!
We were able to jazz up this room in less than 45 minutes. Good news is we were able to do it with everything this client already had in her home! She is happier and her family is too!
Clutter can affect your health, wealth, attitude and happiness. Once it starts it just hard to control. Cristina has helped many of people even hoarders get beyond the things in your home and address what is happening to you and what you can do about it.
This homeowner’s energy improved once we were able to put her home back into a home and not a hoarding room. She was able to keep the things she LOVES and let go of the things that no longer were serving her a purpose. What a beautiful ending.

This client was starting a new business in Vista, CA. This particular store front was far from inviting and left little to entice customers to walk in. Check out the after Feng Shui Creations results on the next page!
Final results left an inviting entry to this brand new beautiful Wellness Center in Vista. People wanted to see and know more about this new establishments. Plants (the right selection), double doors and a sign about their services made walk-in’s happen and profits start. To this day this business is still thriving and has been since 2009 when it first opened.
This huge palm tree, besides being pokey and at the front door also hid the home from view and left little to curve appeal and light into the house.
The curve side improved, the door is visible, more light shines into the home. A small change with big rewards!

This young couple were new to being home owners and they sense their space was not working for them but they just couldn’t put their finger on it or why. Can you see what is missing?
Everything in the kitchen was found inside and outside the house. However, the end results speak for themselves and this family can now eat and enjoy their kitchen in a way it was always intended too.
Sometimes a little color can really warm up a house into a home! However, color plays a role on our mood so not any color but the right colors! Do you have ADD, do you sleep good, do you have a hard time settling down? These are the questions that should determine what you color wall space will feel like and let let’s not forget the elements of feng shui either (Wood, water, fire, earth and metal).
The colors are soothing, the pillars are more defined, the house feels cozier and so inviting. What more do you want for a home?

Before Feng shui consultation this client said on the phone she felt trapped and in a jail at home.
My goal when I walked into this house to was to figure out where this jail/trapped area was. Well once I found the book case I found the exactly what my client described without seeing it. It’s not always easy to see these things when you are living in your own space.
Wow, just by moving that big bookcase (trap/jail) it changed the entire home. The energy could move again from room to room and the bookcase which gave my client that trap feeling is gone. You can even see it in her face the relief she got from us moving this bookcase. Always happy to make a difference.
Before Feng Shui consultation this client needed an outdoor patio lift.
My client just needed a little assistance. Sometimes it’s easy to not see what’s there when it’s your own space. In 30 minutes we were able to change the look of the patio so now it says come on out, bring the guest and let’s have a little fun!
After Feng shui consultation – Wala!!
Nice, this place is much more inviting and says, sit down, relax and enjoy your outdoor patio! Making her home even bigger now.
Cold and lifeless my client called it. She said she could feel the cold but didn’t know how to fix it.
The wall was filled with my clients best wall decor found in the house and a few odds and ends here and there. It is much more inviting when you walk into the room now! Again, in one easy consultation plus we hit a few other rooms. Easy breezy fixes and all in a few hours.